Freeze Tag

How To Play ‘Freeze Tag’?

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You’re in the middle of a bunch of lively people and you have no idea how to pull it off? We’ve got you! Suggest a group game that will wear them down. ‘Freeze tag’ is definitely one of them! 

Keep on reading to see how you should set things up and what rules are to be followed.

Materials and equipment

We told you this was going to be easy: you don’t need any supplies for this game. All you need are some balls of fire 😁 – so as long as your players are excited and in for some fun, you should be good to go.

‘Freeze tag’ is best when played outdoors. It’s the perfect activity for kids or students that are in camps and even team buildings. A large field or a sports ground would fit this game perfectly. You can come up with this game if you’re a parent or a teacher, during backyard gatherings or school recess.

Still, if the children are really asking for it and the weather is not on their side, ‘Freeze tag’ can also be played indoors. Just make sure to organize the teams very well, designate clear boundaries, and take care of the situation if players get too noisy.  

Players and purposes

  • ‘Freeze tag’ requires at least 8 players to have a ball. 
  • 2 players must be the taggers, also known as ‘it’. They must freeze the rest of the players by tagging them.
  • Make sure to demonstrate safe tagging. Players shouldn’t harm each other. 
  • Light touch, like butterfly wings on the shoulder, is permitted. 
  • But hard contact, that might cause injuries or falls, is not. Taggers that do that should be considered out of the game.
  • Show them how to make a double high-5. This is how players get to unfreeze each other.

Rules: How to play ‘Freeze tag’?

  1. Begin by setting the boundaries of the running area. Make it very clear that if anyone exceeds those limits, they are automatically out of the game.
  1. Decide what type of movement players should be doing. You can choose from a wide variety of actions: running, skipping, hopping, walking, etc.
  1. Once that’s clear, the taggers must freeze as many players as possible. 
  1. Another player can unfreeze someone else by giving a double high-5. In the process, he can not be tagged by an ‘it’ and the taggers are not allowed to stand around, waiting for him to finish. 
  1. The leader may switch taggers and styles of movement.
  1. The ‘Freeze tag’ game is over when the taggers freeze all the runners. If at least one player remains unfrozen by the end of 5 minutes, then the runners win and you can start all over again. You may switch taggers and styles of movement.

Skills and abilities

The ‘Freeze tag’ game challenges a few skills:

  • Locomotor and non-locomotor skills, such as running, fleeing, chasing, dodging, and balancing.
  • Agility
  • Spatial awareness

‘Freeze tag’: Game variations

  1. You can come up with a different rule for unfreezing a player: Another player must shake hands with the frozen player and both must share their favorite band, cartoon, food, what they’d like to be when they grow up, etc. 
  1. The ‘Tunnel tag’ is similar to the ‘Freeze tag’. The thing here is that when players are tagged, they must freeze with their legs spread shoulder-width apart on the ground. To ‘unfreeze’ a player, another one must crawl through the player’s legs from the front.

The kids are still restless? Here are some other games you might want to try:

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